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Industry Liaison Group for InTBIR

A call to Industrial Partners:
The InTBIR Executive Committee realizes that the implementation of advances in clinical care will depend heavily on collaboration with commercial partners. Partners could deliver and contribute to advances in prevention, diagnosis and risk prediction (CT, MRI, blood biomarkers etc.), monitoring (physiological monitoring, cognitive assessment etc.), and novel therapies (pharmaceutical and non-pharmacologic interventions), during the acute post-injury period and extending into rehabilitation and community re-integration. We are also conscious that our industry partners will be keen to engage with clinicians and researchers across the neurotrauma community, to discuss development and implementation of such new advances.

The InTBIR Executive Committee feels that these needs would be best served by creation of an InTBIR Industry Liaison Group (ILG), where all potential commercial partners could have a presence. Initially, this would consist of inclusion in the InTBIR website of a brief description (3-4 lines) of their organisation, and a link to their organisational website and/or other relevant documents. This would evolve into participation by interested industry partners in InTBIR annual meetings and involvement in Working Groups. Participation would make InTBIR members aware of work currently undertaken by commercial partners, and allow industrial partners, in turn, to seek collaboration from clinical and preclinical academic researchers. We do not expect industrial partners to pay anything for this stage of the initiative – this is simply a means of promoting links between academia and industry, organised in a way that allows InTBIR to stay independent of any conflict of interest as an organisation.

If you are interested, please fill the below form.