Fundamental and Translational
Smith, Zanier, Loane and Wellington
The newly established InTBIR Fundamental and Translational Working Group recognizes the importance of cellular and animal model systems to undertake studies difficult or impossible to conduct solely through clinical research. The ability to reliably generate cells or brain tissues injured under controlled experimental conditions allows mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets to be identified. This Working Group aims to strengthen connections among clinical, fundamental and translational scientists to improve the relevance of model systems and increase our understanding of TBI pathophysiology.
Current members
- Doug Smith - Chair
- Cheryl Wellington - Chair
- Elisa Zanier - Chair
- David Loane - Chair
- Shubhayu Bhattacharyay
- Lyndsey Collins
- Frances Corrigan
- Jennifer Cullen
- Valentina Di Pietro
- Michael Esser
- Adel Helmy
- Stuart Hoffman
- Ruchira Jha
- Christopher Dirk Keene
- Xiang Mao
- Niklas Marklund
- Michael McCrea
- Federico Moro
- Richelle Mychasiuk
- Fatima Nasrallah
- Laura Ngwenya
- Rockefeller Oteng
- Jennie Ponsford
- Luis Valmor Cruz Portela
- Bridgette Semple
- Sandy Shultz
- William Stewart
- Kevin Wang