The 5th Annual InTBIR Meeting held at the Canadian Embassy in Washington,D.C. on October 11 –12, 2016, focused on crosscutting, synergistic opportunities for InTBIR.
A video conference was organized to review the various portals currently available related to Traumatic Brain Injury research area.
European Medical Information Framework
Human Brain Project
4th International Initiative For Traumatic Brain Injury Research (InTBIR) Meeting was conducted in Brussels, Belgium between 13-14th of October 2015
The focus of the third InTBIR meeting in San Francisco in June 2014 was on ways to promote synergy. A series of sessions during this meeting provided a forum for discussing ways to acquire, share, and analyze the TBI research data across the spectrum of age, injury severity, and time (acute to chronic), requisite steps for enabling synergy across projects. The following is a summary of the meeting, the agenda and a list of participants.
An ad hoc meeting InTBIR meeting was held in conjunction with the International Neurotrauma Society Meeting in Budapest, Hungary March 19, 2014. The goal was to take advantage of an opportunity to meet in person to informally provide updates on progress and to develop an agenda for the next InTBIR meeting.
Following the International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury (InTBIR)meeting in Brussels in 2011, the three founding agencies, the European Commission’s Health Directorate, the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Canada's CIHR –Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, agreed to several common objectives. One of these was to support new research in the field of TBI. T
The European Commission (EC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) jointly sponsored a workshop on October18–20, 2011 in Brussels to discuss the feasibility and benefits of an international collaboration in the field of traumaticbrain injury (TBI) research.