InTBIR 2nd Conference - October 17-18, 2013 | Vancouver, Canada
Following the International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury (InTBIR)meeting in Brussels in 2011, the three founding agencies, the European Commission’s Health Directorate, the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Canada's CIHR –Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, agreed to several common objectives. One of these was to support new research in the field of TBI. To that end over the past two yearsall three agencies have independently launched a number offunding opportunities now supporting more than a dozen new projects focused on basic and clinical TBI research, representing a total investment of more than $90M USD.
InTBIR isa unique consortium of funding agencies focused on improvingclinical outcomes and lessening the global burden of TBI by 2020. Successful research projects will examine causal relationships between treatments and clinically meaningful outcomes (‐4422(12)70166-‐7/fulltext). InTBIR activities are designed to accelerate scientific and clinical progress in TBI research through enhanced communication, coordination and collaboration. Through an international, multidisciplinary collaborative endeavour InTBIR hopes to find better diagnostics and effective therapies to reduce the global burden of TBI by 2020.